I was not going to do anymore challenges. I said I have enough. I still need to start reading for the decades challenge. I am reading my last book for the Royalty Rules Challenge, so I will finish this challenge.(which is a crossover for the TBR Challenge). TBR Challenge I am on track. I am participating in Eharlequin 100,000 book challenge, but 50%of the books have to be from any Harlequin line. I will also be doing book reviews for Pump Up Your Book Promotion. I said no more challenges. And then I found Historical Fiction Challenge sponsored by Anne from Reading, Writing, and Ranting. I thought about it and I was like weelll I will finish the Royalty Rules Challenge. It is not a big stretch from Royalty to Historical Fiction sooooo and I have 6 months to read 6 books maaaybeee I could do it. Well, why not as they said in the old NIKE ad just Do It. So here are my 6 choices.
The Virgin's Lover by Philippa GregoryThe Birth of Venus by Sarah DunantA Vision of Light by Judith Merkle Riley- Mary, Queen of Scotland by Margaret George
- The Lady Elizabeth by Alison Weir
- Victoria Victorious by Jean Plaidy
I have the right to change any of my choices.
So wish me luck, I hope I can accomplish all of my reading goals for 2008. I also hope to read 100 books this year. Between working full time and my family I CAN DO IT!!!!
You go, girl!! :-) I have to keep my hands tied behind my back to stop signing up for more challenges. I gave in to the Non-Fiction Five a couple weeks ago. I think I'm up to about 120 books I'm supposed to read this year, and I keep looking at the Novella Challenge. Ha!
You can do it!!
Hey....SO glad you've joined us in the 100,000 Book Challenge! I was wondering if you'd like a link to add to your blog roll?
We're well on our way to making our first book donation to the National Center for Family Literacy!
I added the book challenge to my favorite blogs.
Thanks for the support. Who knew that book challenges would be so addictive. And you can reach your goal too. 120 books, I don't think I have read that many in a year in years.
Hey, you should do it, if for no other reason than to have that challenge button on your site. History IS hot, LOL!!!
I changed Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel to A Vision of Light by Judith Merkle Riley. I did not realize that Galileo's Daughter is a nonfiction book.
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