The Truth (I'm a girl, I'm smart, and I know everything) Synopsis:
Every tween today faces social issues, questions about their parents’ relationships, gossip and crushes. In response to the crises young girls face today, positive psychologist Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein has written girls, and their moms, The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything!) (Enchanted Self Press, Feb. 2008).
The Truth for young girls is that it’s OK to be unique individuals, have fun and delight in the wisdom of being young. Behind this fictional diary written by a young girl, are psychological messages about happiness for both daughters and mothers.
After reading The Truth it will be a perfect moment to discuss so many timely subjects, such as:
o Challenging behaviors, and issues such as being a victim of teasing, gossiping, the family relocating or parents fighting
o At what point parents should get involved if their child is being teased or not understood
o How technology can affect a tweens social life, and on the other hand how her talents can be nurtured and encouraged during these years
o What are the best ways to stay close to your tween
o The real emotions that girls struggle with, such as feeling not understood or having a serious crush on someone
o Challenging behaviors, and issues such as being a victim of teasing, gossiping, the family relocating or parents fighting
o At what point parents should get involved if their child is being teased or not understood
o How technology can affect a tweens social life, and on the other hand how her talents can be nurtured and encouraged during these years
o What are the best ways to stay close to your tween
o The real emotions that girls struggle with, such as feeling not understood or having a serious crush on someone
I am very excited that my daughter read The Truth and wrote a review about it. She is 11 years old just the right age for this book. When she completed reading it she said it was cool and that she could relate to the girl. Here is her complete review:
I've read The Truth by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein. I really enjoyed it very much. I can really related to The Truth because it told about how girls really feel. I could feel how the girl was feeling as she was going through crushes, family, and her dreams. The Truth told what girls want and what it takes to achieve it.
I truly recommend The Truth to girls my age and a bit older. I believe most girls would and could relate to and enjoy The Truth.
There are parts in the book that my daughter could identify with. When a relative cursed alot and that made the girl uncomfortable. My daughter says she feels that way to about one of our relatives. Also on pages 53 and 54 the girl talks about travel and how she is going to travel alot. My daughter says that she also wants to travel. The girl has a crush and so does my daughter.
I also read the book. It brought back memories of when I was a girl, smart and knew everything. Mothers and daughters should read The Truth together. It is a nice tool to use to open discussions between each other. As my daughter and I discussed this book we talked about things that were mentioned in the book. First crush, parents fighting, dreams and things we wanted to be or accomplish. At the end of the book there are questions that a tween/teenager can answer and her mother can use to continue the discussions.
I feel that a girl of any reading level can read and understand this book. This would be a nice gift to give to the tween/teenager in your life.
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is the originator of The Enchanted Self(R). She has been a positive psychologist in private practice and licensed in the states of New Jersey and Massachusetts since 1981. She is currently in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.
The magic of the human spirit, with its capacity for survival, growth and joy, has always intrigued Dr. Barbara. As years went by and her practice grew, she longed to explore adult development even further--specifically how to overcome obstacles and bring pleasure into one’s life while living a life of meaning and purpose.
The magic of the human spirit, with its capacity for survival, growth and joy, has always intrigued Dr. Barbara. As years went by and her practice grew, she longed to explore adult development even further--specifically how to overcome obstacles and bring pleasure into one’s life while living a life of meaning and purpose.
Dr. Barbara speaks regularly on radio programs around the country, and appears on television in New York and New Jersey. Her inspiring audio shows and podcasts can be found on the web. Her articles and stories appear on the web on hundreds of sites. She also gives lectures, seminars, and tele-classes on happiness. Listen to her e-radio show, The Enchanted Self on http://www.ladybuglive.com/ . Also, listen to her e-radio show, Happiness for Women Only! on http://www.internetvoicesradio.com/
Her newest book, The Truth, I'm Ten, I'm Smart and I Know Everything! is another first in positive psychology. Written by a ten year old girl as a diary, Dr. Barbara has been able to imbed lots of positive truths that we all need to remember and live by, regardless of our age.
The girl's edition, titled: The Truth, (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything) debuted February 2008in bookstores nationwide. You can get your copy now at http://www.enchantedself.com./
Her newest book, The Truth, I'm Ten, I'm Smart and I Know Everything! is another first in positive psychology. Written by a ten year old girl as a diary, Dr. Barbara has been able to imbed lots of positive truths that we all need to remember and live by, regardless of our age.
The girl's edition, titled: The Truth, (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything) debuted February 2008in bookstores nationwide. You can get your copy now at http://www.enchantedself.com./
Thanks for the great review ladies!
Dear Ladies, You are wonderful. Both of you got to the core of so many of the 'truths' this book is trying to help girls feel more comfortable expressing, living with, talking to mom about, etc. I am getting a lot of feedback also that kids are starting to write their own books after reading The Truth. That is also something I am thilled is happening. The more we put into words our feelings and thoughts, the less negative or destructive emotions collect inside! Thanks for your imput and for taking the time! All my best, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, www.enchantedself.com
We are so glad that you liked our review.
My daughter did start to write her own story in diary form. I have not read it yet so I am unable to tell you what it is about.
My daughter and I enjoyed reading The Truth and learning some new things about each other. Good luck with your book.
Pabast(aka reading mama)
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